Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Brilliant Corrupted Insignia Entity might not be available in game!
Sliver of Corrupted Matter Entity might not be available in game!
Shard of Corrupted Matter Entity might not be available in game!
Chunk of Corrupted Matter Entity might not be available in game!
Corrupted Sigil Uncommon
Fine Corrupted Sigil Uncommon
Perfect Corrupted Sigil Uncommon
Sliver of Crystal Entity might not be available in game!
Shard of Crystal Uncommon
Chunk of Crystal Uncommon
Sliver of Crystalized Azoth Uncommon
Shard of Crystalized Azoth Uncommon
Chunk of Crystalized Azoth Uncommon
Sliver of Crystalized Ectoplasm Uncommon
Shard of Crystalized Ectoplasm Uncommon
Chunk of Crystalized Ectoplasm Uncommon
Drop of Ectoplasm Entity might not be available in game!
Vial of Ectoplasm Entity might not be available in game!
Draught of Ectoplasm Entity might not be available in game!
Small Elk Hoof Uncommon
Large Elk Hoof Uncommon
Huge Elk Hoof Uncommon
Sliver of Enchanted Earth Uncommon
Shard of Enchanted Earth Uncommon
Chunk of Enchanted Earth Entity might not be available in game!
Steel Engineers Charm Entity might not be available in game!
Starmetal Engineer's Charm Entity might not be available in game!
Orichalcum Engineer's Charm Uncommon
Animal Fang Uncommon
Jagged Animal Fang Uncommon
Pristine Animal Fang Uncommon
Chilled Fang Uncommon
Frigid Fang Uncommon
Frozen Fang Entity might not be available in game!
Drop of Blessed Water Uncommon
Vial of Blessed Water Entity might not be available in game!
Draught of Blessed Water Uncommon
Horn Uncommon
Jagged Horn Uncommon
Pristine Horn Uncommon
Sliver of Ironwood Resin Uncommon
Shard of Ironwood Resin Uncommon
Chunk of Ironwood Resin Entity might not be available in game!
Drop of Ironwood Sap Uncommon
Vial of Ironwood Sap Entity might not be available in game!
Draught of Ironwood Sap Uncommon
Steel Jewelcrafter's Charm Uncommon
Starmetal Jewelcrafter's Charm Entity might not be available in game!
Orichalcum Jewelcrafters Charm Uncommon
Steel Lumberjack's Charm Uncommon