Cooking Expertise

Selected Gear Score
100 225 350 475 600 725

+10% chance to craft additional items while Cooking.

Grants Effects
Status_Perk_Armor_Cook_Faction Effect ID: Status_Perk_Armor_Cook_Faction Max Stack: Stacks 20 times 20 Modifiers
  • +1000 ROLCooking — 10% extra items chance when Cooking
Condition: Equipped Item Compatible With: Chest, Helmet, Gloves, Pants, Shoes Exclusive Labels: Trade Skill
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AlephZero [Edited]

arcanist for syndicate, weaponsmith for marauders and cooking for covenants, since the arcanist and weaponsmith are not needed to craft 700gs (as of today, ptr pre-release of expansion/s3), and becasue of that unexpectedly.... the cooking chest is the best one...... and only 1/3 of the player base can access to it.... that being said once there's use for the 2 crafting items from the other factions THEN the covenant will be underwhelming in comparison, so in conclusion, no matter what they do it's going to suck for one side or the other, namely, terrible decisions by AGS

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