Logging Luck

Selected Gear Score
100 225 350 475 600 725

+11% chance at finding rare items while Logging.

Grants Effects
Status_Perk_Tool_LoggingLuck Effect ID: Status_Perk_Tool_LoggingLuck Max Stack: Doesn't stack 1 Modifiers
  • +1109.09091 ROLLogging — 11.09091% luck when Logging
Scales with Gear Score Condition: Active Item (active weapon bar) Compatible With: Logging Axe Exclusive Labels: Luck
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jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

There are two types of Luck: Global Luck and Gathering Luck (Logging, Harvesting, Mining, Skinning and many different perks for fishing)

Global Luck
- increases the potential for low drop-chance items to be earned
- increases the chance that the weapon/armor will be named
- increases the chance that that other items than weapon/armor will be rare
- does NOT effect inventory caches

Best item to have luck on are your bags (for example: Artisans Satchel).
Luck on your weapon/shield is NOT active when looting a chest (since you sheathe them).

Gathering Luck (Logging, Harvesting, Mining, Skinning)
- improves the chance that the player receives additional rare components (for example gems while mining)

That information comes from a forum post, which got unfortunately deleted with the forum.

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