Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score Orichalcum Longsword of the Scholar ? ? ? ? Uncommon V 500-600 Orichalcum Flail of the Scholar ? ? ? ? Uncommon V 500-600 Mythril Longsword of the Scholar ? ? ? ? Uncommon V 600-700 Mythril Flail of the Scholar ? ? ? ? Uncommon V 600-700 Orichalcum Longsword of the Scholar ? ? ? ? Uncommon V 500-600 Orichalcum Flail of the Scholar ? ? ? ? Uncommon V 500-600 Iceburst of the Scholar Legendary V 600 Swinging Snowball of the Scholar Legendary V 600 Iceburst of the Scholar ? ? ? ? Legendary V 500-600 Swinging Snowball of the Scholar ? ? ? ? Legendary V 500-600