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Name Description Weapon Skill Tree Type
Armor Breaker A powerful swing that penetrates 35% of the target's armor and deals 160% weapon damage. War Hammer Juggernaut Active
Indomitable Adds grit to Armor Breaker. (Grit prevents you from being staggered by incoming attacks.) War Hammer Juggernaut Passive
Lasting Trauma Armor Breaker inflicts 30% rend for 10s. (Rend reduces target's armor.) War Hammer Juggernaut Passive
Opening Act Increase Armor Breaker base damage by 25% against targets above 70% health. War Hammer Juggernaut Passive
Mighty Gavel An overhead leaping attack that crushes down on enemies, dealing 190% weapon damage. Taunt Gem Compatible: If you have a Carnelian gem equipped in your war hammer, hits with this ability inflict taunt for 4s. (Taunt causes monsters to focus only on you.) War Hammer Juggernaut Active
Summary Judgment Increases Mighty Gavel base damage by 20% to targets below 50% health. War Hammer Juggernaut Passive
Impact Fracture Increase stamina damage done by Mighty Gavel by 25%. War Hammer Juggernaut Passive
Expedite After a successful Mighty Gavel attack, gain haste, increasing player's movement speed by 30% for 3s. War Hammer Juggernaut Passive
Justice For All Mighty Gavel now has grit, its critical hit chance is increased by 20%, and hits will reduce all other war hammer cooldowns by 10%. (Cooldown reduction only occurs once per attack.) (Grit prevents you from being staggered by incoming attacks.) War Hammer Juggernaut Passive
Wrecking Ball Strike the ground with your war hammer, dealing 90% weapon damage and knocking down your target. This ability has grit. (Grit prevents you from being staggered by incoming attacks.) War Hammer Juggernaut Active
Safety Measures On a successful hit, gain fortify, increasing armor by 20% for 7s. War Hammer Juggernaut Passive
Breathing Room Expands the range of Wrecking Ball to a 1.5m radius. War Hammer Juggernaut Passive
Epitome Of Bonk! Increase armor penetration by 10% for all war hammer basic attacks. War Hammer Juggernaut Passive
Hammer Time Gain empower on heavy attacks, increasing damage by 20% for 4s. War Hammer Juggernaut Passive
Exhaustive Attacks All war hammer abilities apply exhaust, slowing target's stamina regeneration by 20% for 5s. (Does not stack.) War Hammer Juggernaut Passive
Hardened Steel Adds grit to war hammer heavy attacks. Also grants 12% damage reduction while grit is active. (Grit prevents you from being staggered by incoming attacks.) War Hammer Juggernaut Passive
Contemption Increase heavy attack base damage by 15% against targets under 30% health. War Hammer Juggernaut Passive
Quick Recovery Heavy attacks that hit reduce cooldowns by 7%. (Max 5 reductions per attack.) War Hammer Juggernaut Passive
Power Through Pain Deal 35% extra damage for 1s after taking damage. War Hammer Juggernaut Passive
Clear Out A wide swing that knocks back targets 4m and deals 100% weapon damage. This ability has grit. (Grit prevents you from being staggered by incoming attacks.) War Hammer Crowd Crusher Active
Power Cleaner Hitting a target with Clear Out grants fortify, increasing armor by 20% for 4s to all friendlies within 6m. War Hammer Crowd Crusher Passive
Clean and Refreshed Clear Out's cooldown is reduced by 5% per enemy hit with the ability. War Hammer Crowd Crusher Passive
Swing Away Using Clear Out on a target grants haste, increasing movement speed by 30% for 4s. War Hammer Crowd Crusher Passive
Shockwave Slam your war hammer into the ground, causing a 3m radius earthquake that deals 60% weapon damage, staggering and stunning all impacted targets for 2s. This ability has grit. (Grit prevents you from being staggered by incoming attacks.) Taunt Gem Compatible: If you have a Carnelian gem equipped in your war hammer, this ability inflicts taunt for 6s to all enemies hit. (Taunt causes monsters to focus only on you.) War Hammer Crowd Crusher Active
Frailty The trauma of the attack causes weaken, decreasing the damage dealt from the target's attacks by 10% for 10s. War Hammer Crowd Crusher Passive
Meteoric Crater Expands the range Shockwave to a 4m radius. War Hammer Crowd Crusher Passive
Path Of Destiny A powerful ground strike that erupts a linear wave of energy in front of the player, dealing 70% weapon damage to all targets in its path. War Hammer Crowd Crusher Active
Seismic Waves Path of Destiny now staggers all targets in its path. War Hammer Crowd Crusher Passive
Stimulated Reduction Ability cooldown reduced by 5% for each enemy hit with Path of Destiny. (Max 5 enemies.) War Hammer Crowd Crusher Passive
Outnumbered Increase armor by 20% if surrounded by 2 or more enemies within 3m. War Hammer Crowd Crusher Passive
I Can Do This All Day Reduce stamina consumption by 30% when blocking melee attacks. War Hammer Crowd Crusher Passive
Guarded Sprint Reduce damage taken by 10% while sprinting. War Hammer Crowd Crusher Passive
Acceleration Reduce war hammer cooldowns by 7% when using light attacks against targets with an active debuff. (Max 5 reductions per attack.) War Hammer Crowd Crusher Passive
Facilitated Expedition After hitting a target with an active debuff, gain haste, increasing movement speed by 15% for 3s. War Hammer Crowd Crusher Passive
Concussive Impact Deal 15% increased base damage against targets affected by war hammer debuffs. War Hammer Crowd Crusher Passive
Prevailing Spirit Heal for 35% of damage dealt when using a Crowd Crusher ability. War Hammer Crowd Crusher Passive
Resurgence After 2 light attacks with the war hammer, debuff durations on player are reduced by 25%. (Cooldown 5s.) War Hammer Crowd Crusher Passive
Aftershock Whenever a target is hit by an ability, they are slowed by 20% for 4s. War Hammer Crowd Crusher Passive
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