Refreshing Ward

Selected Gear Score
100 225 350 475 600 725

Reduce active cooldowns by 0.43% after being hit 4 times (Does not trigger off persistent damage, DoT effects, or blocked attacks).

Scales with Gear Score Condition: Equipped Item Compatible With: Kite Shield, Tower Shield, Round Shield, Chest, Helmet, Gloves, Pants, Shoes, Ring, Amulet, Earring Exclusive Labels: CDR
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Immo [Edited]

Hey folks, I did some experimenting on this today. Refreshing ward does indeed stack. Sad part however is it does not trigger off blocks :(

Another update. It won't reduce the CD of sheathed weapon, but the hits you take seem to stack up so it will trigger on 1st hit when you swap back.

S+S: Trigger Defiant stance -> Swap to hatchet
Hatchet: Tank up 5+ hits -> Swap back to S+S
S+S: First hit will trigger the CD.

It gets a bit more confusion if you let it trigger CDs in Hatchet stance. The above example you don't do anything with Hatchet abilities. It's hard to test between the two but it looks like I trigger it in Hatchet stance on another test, then took 1 hit with hatchet and swapped back to S+S. The S+S had already used defiant stance so was on CD. It didn't get the CD reduction until I took 5 hits (Berserk was still on CD at this point)

So if there's a CD on one spec the hits will accumulate for CD on that ability. If you have no CD on active weapon any hits you take will accumulate in background and can be cashed in on your other weapons CD by taking a hit when you swap to that.


Does refreshing ward stack? ex. having 2 600 gs pieces with refreshing ward will it give me 3.8%?


Does blocking count as being “hit”? I’m sword an board and want to try this perk as an enhancement to turtling up.

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