Augmented Frozen


Convert 50% of damage dealt to Ice (If INT is higher, replace weapon scaling with INT, but at 65% scaling). Hits inflict Frostburn, dealing 8% Ice damage per second for 2s.

Scales With: INT 65% Or with weapon stat if it provides more damage Condition: Active Item (active weapon bar) Compatible With: Flail, Sword, Rapier, Fire Staff, Life Staff, Spear, Bow, War Hammer, Greatsword, Musket, Hatchet, Great Axe, Void Gauntlet, Dagger, Blunderbuss Exclusive Labels: Gem
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Johan Brännström

If I have this on weapon would Freezing runeglass on my armour gems scale the Ice damage from the weapon?

Johan Brännström

Is there any way to scale this damage? Perks or weapon abilities?

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