Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Oasis Graverobber's Ice Gauntlet
Epic V 650-675
Oasis Graverobber's Void Gauntlet
Epic V 650-675
Oasis Graverobber's Blunderbuss
Epic V 650-675
Oasis Graverobber's Greatsword
Epic V 650-675
Oasis Graverobber's Round Shield
Epic V 650-675
Oasis Graverobber's Kite Shield
Epic V 650-675
Oasis Graverobber's Tower Shield
Epic V 650-675
Frostforged Bow
Epic V 650-675
Frostforged Great Axe
Epic V 650-675
Frostforged Longsword
Epic V 650-675
Frostforged Musket
Epic V 650-675
Frostforged Rapier
Epic V 650-675
Frostforged Spear
Epic V 650-675
Frostforged Hatchet
Epic V 650-675
Frostforged War Hammer
Epic V 650-675
Frostforged Fire Staff
Epic V 650-675
Frostforged Life Staff
Epic V 650-675
Frostforged Ice Gauntlet
Epic V 650-675
Frostforged Void Gauntlet
Epic V 650-675
Frostforged Blunderbuss
Epic V 650-675
Frostforged Great Sword
Epic V 650-675
Frostforged Flail
Epic V 650-675
Frostforged Round Shield
Epic V 650-675
Frostforged Kite Shield
Epic V 650-675
Frostforged Tower Shield
Epic V 650-675
Memento of Lost Humanity Epic V 650-700
Pulsating Spriggan Core Epic V 650-700
Hardened Tear of Avarice Epic V 650-700
Marauder Champion Longsword Can be bought in shop Epic V 650
Syndicate Magus Longsword Can be bought in shop Epic V 650
Covenant Paladin Longsword Can be bought in shop Epic V 650
Marauder Champion Great Axe Can be bought in shop Epic V 650
Syndicate Magus Great Axe Can be bought in shop Epic V 650
Covenant Paladin Great Axe Can be bought in shop Epic V 650
Marauder Champion Musket Can be bought in shop Epic V 650
Syndicate Magus Musket Can be bought in shop Epic V 650
Covenant Paladin Musket Can be bought in shop Epic V 650
Marauder Champion Bow Can be bought in shop Epic V 650
Syndicate Magus Bow Can be bought in shop Epic V 650
Covenant Paladin Bow Can be bought in shop Epic V 650
Marauder Champion Hatchet Can be bought in shop Epic V 650
Syndicate Magus Hatchet Can be bought in shop Epic V 650
Covenant Paladin Hatchet Can be bought in shop Epic V 650
Marauder Champion Fire Staff Can be bought in shop Epic V 650
Syndicate Magus Fire Staff Can be bought in shop Epic V 650
Covenant Paladin Fire Staff Can be bought in shop Epic V 650
Marauder Champion Life Staff Can be bought in shop Epic V 650
Syndicate Magus Life Staff Can be bought in shop Epic V 650
Covenant Paladin Life Staff Can be bought in shop Epic V 650
Marauder Champion War Hammer Can be bought in shop Epic V 650