Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Syndicate Scrivener Ice Gauntlet Can be bought in shop Rare III 350
Covenant Templar Ice Gauntlet Can be bought in shop Rare III 350
Marauder Gladiator Void Gauntlet Can be bought in shop Rare III 350
Syndicate Scrivener Void Gauntlet Can be bought in shop Rare III 350
Covenant Templar Void Gauntlet Can be bought in shop Rare III 350
Marauder Gladiator Blunderbuss Can be bought in shop Rare III 350
Syndicate Scrivener Blunderbuss Can be bought in shop Rare III 350
Covenant Templar Blunderbuss Can be bought in shop Rare III 350
Marauder Gladiator Greatsword Can be bought in shop Rare III 350
Syndicate Scrivener Greatsword Can be bought in shop Rare III 350
Covenant Templar Greatsword Can be bought in shop Rare III 350
Marauder Gladiator Helm of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Marauder Gladiator Breastplate of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Marauder Gladiator Gauntlets of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Marauder Gladiator Legguards of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Marauder Gladiator Boots of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Covenant Templar Helm of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Covenant Templar Breastplate of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Covenant Templar Gauntlets of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Covenant Templar Legguards of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Covenant Templar Boots of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Syndicate Scrivener Helm of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Syndicate Scrivener Breastplate of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Syndicate Scrivener Gauntlets of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Syndicate Scrivener Legguards of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Syndicate Scrivener Boots of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Marauder Gladiator Headwear of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Marauder Gladiator Jacket of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Marauder Gladiator Handcovers of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Marauder Gladiator Leggings of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Marauder Gladiator Footwear of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Covenant Templar Headwear of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Covenant Templar Jacket of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Covenant Templar Handcovers of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Covenant Templar Leggings of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Covenant Templar Footwear of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Syndicate Scrivener Headwear of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Syndicate Scrivener Jacket of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Syndicate Scrivener Handcovers of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Syndicate Scrivener Leggings of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Syndicate Scrivener Footwear of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Marauder Gladiator Hat of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Marauder Gladiator Coat of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Marauder Gladiator Gloves of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Marauder Gladiator Pants of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Marauder Gladiator Shoes of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Covenant Templar Hat of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Covenant Templar Coat of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Covenant Templar Gloves of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350
Covenant Templar Pants of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Rare III 350