Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Chaotic Cavalcade Epic IV 500
Follower's Flail Epic IV 500
Blood Abundance Epic IV 500
Malicious Agency Epic IV 500
Pitfall Epic IV 500
Bruteborne Epic IV 500
Swinging Stratagem Epic IV 500
Hellswing Epic IV 500
Captivator Epic IV 500
Solidstrike Epic IV 500
Fairfight Epic IV 500
Debt Collector Epic IV 500
Regiment Can be crafted Epic IV 500
Beatdown Epic IV 500
Ragebearer's Longsword of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Mistwalker's Longsword of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Doomsinger's Longsword of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Harbinger's Longsword of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Fanatic's Longsword of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Bondsman's Longsword of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Ophan's Longsword of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Ragebearer's Hatchet of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Mistwalker's Hatchet of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Doomsinger's Hatchet of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Harbinger's Hatchet of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Fanatic's Hatchet of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Bondsman's Hatchet of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Ophan's Hatchet of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Ragebearer's War Hammer of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Mistwalker's War Hammer of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Doomsinger's War Hammer of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Harbinger's War Hammer of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Fanatic's War Hammer of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Bondsman's War Hammer of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Ophan's War Hammer of the Soldier Epic V 500-600
Ragebearer's Flatbow of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Mistwalker's Flatbow of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Doomsinger's Flatbow of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Harbinger's Flatbow of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Fanatic's Flatbow of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Bondsman's Flatbow of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Ophan's Flatbow of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Ragebearer's Musket of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Mistwalker's Musket of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Doomsinger's Musket of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Harbinger's Musket of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Fanatic's Musket of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Bondsman's Musket of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Ophan's Musket of the Ranger Epic V 500-600
Ragebearer's Fire Staff of the Scholar Epic V 500-600