Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Wraith Hunter's Longsword of the Soldier Epic IV 400-500
Guardian's Longsword of the Soldier Epic IV 400-500
Shadowbringer's Longsword of the Soldier Epic IV 400-500
Corsair's Longsword of the Soldier Epic IV 400-500
Graverobber's Hatchet of the Soldier Epic IV 400-500
Wraith Hunter's Hatchet of the Soldier Epic IV 400-500
Guardian's Hatchet of the Soldier Epic IV 400-500
Shadowbringer's Hatchet of the Soldier Epic IV 400-500
Corsair's Hatchet of the Soldier Epic IV 400-500
Graverobber's War Hammer of the Soldier Epic IV 400-500
Wraith Hunter's War Hammer of the Soldier Epic IV 400-500
Guardian's War Hammer of the Soldier Epic IV 400-500
Shadowbringer's War Hammer of the Soldier Epic IV 400-500
Corsair's War Hammer of the Soldier Epic IV 400-500
Graverobber's Flatbow of the Ranger Epic IV 400-500
Wraith Hunter's Flatbow of the Ranger Epic IV 400-500
Guardian's Flatbow of the Ranger Epic IV 400-500
Shadowbringer's Flatbow of the Ranger Epic IV 400-500
Corsair's Flatbow of the Ranger Epic IV 400-500
Graverobber's Musket of the Ranger Epic IV 400-500
Wraith Hunter's Musket of the Ranger Epic IV 400-500
Guardian's Musket of the Ranger Epic IV 400-500
Shadowbringer's Musket of the Ranger Epic IV 400-500
Corsair's Musket of the Ranger Epic IV 400-500
Graverobber's Fire Staff of the Scholar Epic IV 400-500
Wraith Hunter's Fire Staff of the Scholar Epic IV 400-500
Guardian's Fire Staff of the Scholar Epic IV 400-500
Shadowbringer's Fire Staff of the Scholar Epic IV 400-500
Corsair's Fire Staff of the Scholar Epic IV 400-500
Graverobber's Life Staff of the Sage Epic IV 400-500
Wraith Hunter's Life Staff of the Sage Epic IV 400-500
Guardian's Life Staff of the Sage Epic IV 400-500
Shadowbringer's Life Staff of the Sage Epic IV 400-500
Corsair's Life Staff of the Sage Epic IV 400-500
Flame of the Innocent Reward from quest Rare IV 400
Chef's Knife Reward from quest Rare IV 400
The Greater Good Reward from quest Rare IV 400
Protected Grip Rare IV 400-500
The Wyrd Rare IV 400-500
Palisade Rare IV 400-500
Grand Executioner's Aid Rare III 400
Stormbinder's Great Axe Rare III 400
Harbinger's Call Rare III 400
Hatemark Rare III 400
Deadsight Rare III 400
Little Simon's BB Gun Rare III 400
Musket of the Faithful Huntress Rare III 400
Stinky's Sharpshooter Rare III 400
Fury's Call Rare III 400
Bow of the Shadows Rare III 400