Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Avenging Slats Legendary V 625
Avenging Pauldrons Legendary V 625
Protector's Fortune Charm Legendary V 625
Requiem Pendant Legendary V 625
Infinitum Band Legendary V 625
Invicta Charm Legendary V 625
Prophecy Fulfillment Charm Legendary V 625
Descendant's Token Legendary V 625
The Chain of Zane Can be crafted Legendary V 625
Guardian's Fortune Token Legendary V 625
Sola Fide Mascot Legendary V 625
The Eye of Pithe Amulet Legendary V 625
Scarab Rejuvenation Crystal Legendary V 625
Widower's Whisper Legendary V 625
Malacite Orb Chain Legendary V 625
Eyes in the Abyss Legendary V 625
Mangled Heart Legendary V 625
Treasure of the Pit Legendary V 625
Soul of Myrkgard Legendary V 625
Herihor's Cartouche Legendary V 625
Istemkheb's Cartouche Legendary V 625
Trapper's Amulet Legendary V 625
Pack Leader's Charm Legendary V 625
Lucky Periapt Legendary V 625
Enchanted Stone Legendary V 625
Maat's Blessing Legendary V 625
The Last Prophecy Legendary V 625
Glass Oculus Legendary V 625
The Dragonfly Legendary V 625
Archmagister's Piscatory Ring Legendary V 625
Band of Obligations Legendary V 625
Goldband of the High Herald Legendary V 625
Rudiger's Journey Band Legendary V 625
Hoop of Navarone Legendary V 625
Thrifter's Lost Diamond Legendary V 625
Band of Daemon Dusk Legendary V 625
Tormentor's Finger Curse Legendary V 625
Bloody Valentine's Ring Legendary V 625
Saint's Pilgramage Hoop Legendary V 625
Traveller's Solace Band Legendary V 625
Signet Ring of the Forger Legendary V 625
Signet Ring of the Forger Legendary V 625
Demon's Oracle Signet Ring Legendary V 625
Gash Legendary V 625
Baal Hoop Legendary V 625
Ring of Seadog's Watch Legendary V 625
Band of The Lost Pearl Legendary V 625
Saint Hernigus' Crystal Signet Legendary V 625
The Incubus Hoop Legendary V 625
Heart of Dalao Legendary V 625