Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Covenant Templar Shoes of the Ranger Can be crafted Rare III 350
Syndicate Scrivener Hat of the Ranger Can be crafted Rare III 350
Syndicate Scrivener Coat of the Ranger Can be crafted Rare III 350
Syndicate Scrivener Gloves of the Ranger Can be crafted Rare III 350
Syndicate Scrivener Pants of the Ranger Can be crafted Rare III 350
Syndicate Scrivener Shoes of the Ranger Can be crafted Rare III 350
Marauder Gladiator Helm of the Soldier Can be crafted Rare III 350
Marauder Gladiator Breastplate of the Soldier Can be crafted Rare III 350
Marauder Gladiator Gauntlets of the Soldier Can be crafted Rare III 350
Marauder Gladiator Legguards of the Soldier Can be crafted Rare III 350
Marauder Gladiator Boots of the Soldier Can be crafted Rare III 350
Covenant Templar Helm of the Soldier Can be crafted Rare III 350
Covenant Templar Breastplate of the Soldier Can be crafted Rare III 350
Covenant Templar Gauntlets of the Soldier Can be crafted Rare III 350
Covenant Templar Legguards of the Soldier Can be crafted Rare III 350
Covenant Templar Boots of the Soldier Can be crafted Rare III 350
Syndicate Scrivener Helm of the Soldier Can be crafted Rare III 350
Syndicate Scrivener Breastplate of the Soldier Can be crafted Rare III 350
Syndicate Scrivener Gauntlets of the Soldier Can be crafted Rare III 350
Syndicate Scrivener Legguards of the Soldier Can be crafted Rare III 350
Syndicate Scrivener Boots of the Soldier Can be crafted Rare III 350
Adventurer's Helm of the Fighter Uncommon III 350
Devastator's Earring of the Sentry
Uncommon III 350-450
Devastator's Ring of the Sentry
Uncommon III 350-450
Devastator's Amulet of the Sentry
Uncommon III 350-450
Justicar's Chestguard Uncommon III 350
Molten Mittens Uncommon III 350
Great Horned Helm Uncommon II 350
Waterlogged Commander's Breastplate Uncommon II 350
Justicar's Chestguard Uncommon III 350
Molten Mittens Uncommon III 350
Leatherbound Thinking Cap Uncommon II 350
Watcher's Waterdamaged Chestguard Uncommon II 350
Desecrated Helm
Common III 350-400
Desecrated Breastplate
Common III 350-400
Desecrated Gauntlets
Common III 350-400
Desecrated Greaves
Common III 350-400
Desecrated Boots
Common III 350-400
Desecrated Leather Hat
Common III 350-400
Desecrated Leather Coat
Common III 350-400
Desecrated Leather Gloves
Common III 350-400
Desecrated Leather Pants
Common III 350-400
Desecrated Leather Boots
Common III 350-400
Desecrated Helm
Common III 350-400
Desecrated Cloth Shirt
Common III 350-400
Desecrated Cloth Gloves
Common III 350-400
Desecrated Cloth Pants
Common III 350-400
Desecrated Cloth Boots
Common III 350-400
Waterlogged Helm
Common III 350-400
Waterlogged Plate
Common III 350-400