Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Cultist's Dress Epic V 580
Marauder Commander Breastplate of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Adjudicator Breastplate of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Alchemist Breastplate of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Commander Jacket of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Adjudicator Jacket of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Alchemist Jacket of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Commander Coat of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Adjudicator Coat of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Alchemist Coat of the Sentry Can be bought in shop Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Plague Doctor Robes of the Sentry Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Inquisitor Coat of the Sentry Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Legatus Breastplate of the Sentry Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Commander Jacket of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Adjudicator Jacket of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Alchemist Jacket of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Commander Coat of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Adjudicator Coat of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Alchemist Coat of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Plague Doctor Robes of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Inquisitor Coat of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Legatus Breastplate of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Commander Breastplate of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Adjudicator Breastplate of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Alchemist Breastplate of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Commander Jacket of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Adjudicator Jacket of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Alchemist Jacket of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Plague Doctor Robes of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Inquisitor Coat of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Legatus Breastplate of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Commander Breastplate of the Scholar Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Adjudicator Breastplate of the Scholar Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Alchemist Breastplate of the Scholar Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Commander Coat of the Scholar Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Adjudicator Coat of the Scholar Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Alchemist Coat of the Scholar Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Commander Jacket of the Scholar Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Adjudicator Jacket of the Scholar Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Alchemist Jacket of the Scholar Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Plague Doctor Robes of the Scholar Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Inquisitor Coat of the Scholar Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Legatus Breastplate of the Scholar Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Commander Breastplate of the Sage Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Adjudicator Breastplate of the Sage Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Alchemist Breastplate of the Sage Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Commander Jacket of the Sage Can be crafted Epic V 580
Covenant Adjudicator Jacket of the Sage Can be crafted Epic V 580
Syndicate Alchemist Jacket of the Sage Can be crafted Epic V 580
Marauder Commander Coat of the Sage Can be crafted Epic V 580