Name Description Tier Item
Healing Tomb Heal for 32% of your base Health after Entomb ends.
Voracious Blade While below 50% Health, heal for 55% of the damage dealt by Void Blade.
Nullifying Oblivion When activated, Oblivion removes limited duration buffs from enemies within its radius and the cooldown is reduced by 15%.
Putrefying Scream Petrifying Scream inflicts Disease on hit, reducing the target's incoming healing by 44% and outgoing healing by 22% for 8s.
Diminishing Orb Orb of Decay reduces the base duration of the target's non-consumable buffs by 75% on hit.
Slowing Tether Baleful Tether inflicts Slow on hit, reducing the target's movement speed by 43% for 3s. Baleful Tether now inflicts Disintegrate on application.
Refreshing Rupture When you hit a target with Essence Rupture, reduce Essence Rupture's cooldown by 43%.
Exhaustive Net Shot Net Shot inflicts Exhaust, reducing the target's Stamina regeneration by 42% for 4s.
Leeching Shrapnel Blast Heal for 35% of the damage dealt by Azoth Shrapnel Blast.
Venturing Claw Shot When Claw Shot connects to a target at least 10m away, gain a 41% Empower for 3s or until next hit.
Plagued Splitting Grenade Splitting Grenade hits inflict Disease, reducing healing efficiency on targets by 25% and outgoing healing by 13% for 8s.
Resupplying Mortar Charge Mortar Charge kills reload 1 additional canister and grant 20% Empower for 5s (Max 1 reload per shot. Will not trigger after final shot).
Crippling Blast Shot Targets hit by Blast Shot are Slowed, reducing movement speed by 41% for 5s.
Relentless Freedom Activating Relentless Rush removes Root and Slow. Increase Relentless Rush's critical hit chance by 20%.
Leeching Crosscut Heal for 72% of the damage dealt by the final strike of Crosscut (Max 1 trigger per ability use).
Skyward Nullification Hitting an enemy with Skyward Slash removes one of their buffs. Reduce remaining buffs by 50% (Only affects non-consumable buffs).
Energizing Counter When Calamity Counter is activated, immediately gain 51 Stamina.
Steadfast Purification Each attack of Steadfast Strike reduces your debuff durations by 68% (Max 1 reduction per attack).
Slowing Rupture Slow enemies struck with Roaring Rupture by 41% for 5s.
Burdening Smite PvP Only: Smite hits against targets extend their active cooldowns by 35%.
Mending Vortex Every 2 hits with Vortex will heal you for 45% of the base weapon damage.
Powerful Eruption Eruption hits deal 10% increased damage per stack of Impairment on the target.
Accelerating Barrage After hitting a target with Barrage's main attack, gain 36% haste for 5s.
Thwarting Trip If Trip's first attack hits a target with active grit, the attack deals 30% more base damage.
Crowded Bludgeon If 2 or more targets are hit with warding bludgeon, even if the hits are blocked, reduce its cooldown by 25%.
Refreshing Reduce max cooldowns by 4%.
Refreshing Ward Reduce active cooldowns by 2.1% after being hit 4 times (Does not trigger off persistent damage, DoT effects, or blocked attacks).
Refreshing Evasion Reduce active cooldowns by 0.78% after exiting the dodge animation.
Luck +2.9% chance at rare items from chests and monsters.
Durable This item no longer loses durability.
Azoth Extraction +53% chance to gain 1 Azoth when gathering a node.
Logging Luck +11% chance at finding rare items while Logging.
Harvesting Luck +11% chance at finding rare items while Harvesting.
Mining Luck +11% chance at finding rare items while Mining.
Skinning Luck +11% chance at finding rare items while Skinning.
Turkulon Tools Provides chance at acquiring special items from turkeys to help defeat Turkulon.
Logging Yield +21% resources while Logging.
Harvesting Yield +21% resources while Harvesting.
Mining Yield +21% resources while Mining.
Skinning Yield +21% resources while Skinning.
Lumberjack's Discipline +11% Logging experience while Logging.
Horticulture Discipline +11% Harvesting experience while Harvesting.
Prospector's Discipline +11% Mining experience while Mining.
Tanner's Discipline +11% Skinning experience while Skinning.
Gathering Alacrity Gain 50% Haste for 3s after gathering a node.
Fire Alignment Chance to gain Fire Motes after gathering a node.
Earth Alignment Chance to gain Earth Motes after gathering a node.
Air Alignment Chance to gain Air Motes after gathering a node.
Water Alignment Chance to gain Water Motes after gathering a node.
Soul Alignment Chance to gain Soul Motes after gathering a node.