Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Covenant Lumen Shoes of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Shoes of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Marauder Destroyer Boots of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Covenant Lumen Boots of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Boots of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Marauder Destroyer Footwear of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Covenant Lumen Footwear of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Footwear of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Marauder Destroyer Boots of the Scholar Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Covenant Lumen Boots of the Scholar Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Boots of the Scholar Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Marauder Destroyer Shoes of the Scholar Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Covenant Lumen Shoes of the Scholar Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Shoes of the Scholar Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Marauder Destroyer Footwear of the Scholar Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Covenant Lumen Footwear of the Scholar Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Footwear of the Scholar Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Marauder Destroyer Boots of the Sage Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Covenant Lumen Boots of the Sage Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Boots of the Sage Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Marauder Destroyer Footwear of the Sage Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Covenant Lumen Footwear of the Sage Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Footwear of the Sage Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Marauder Destroyer Shoes of the Sage Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Covenant Lumen Shoes of the Sage Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Shoes of the Sage Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Marauder Destroyer Shoes of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Covenant Lumen Shoes of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Shoes of the Ranger Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Marauder Destroyer Boots of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Covenant Lumen Boots of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Syndicate Cabalist Boots of the Soldier Can be crafted Epic IV 490
Oak Regent Boots of the Soldier Rare IV 460
Holly Regent Footwear of the Ranger Rare IV 460
Floral Regent Loafers of the Scholar Rare IV 460
Floral Regent Loafers of the Sage Rare IV 460
Karl's Dancing Shoes Epic IV 450
Slippers of Unsullied Dreams Epic IV 450
Waterwalkers Rare IV 450
Desecrated Boots
Common IV 450-500
Desecrated Leather Boots
Common IV 450-500
Desecrated Cloth Boots
Common IV 450-500
Corrupted Boots
Common IV 450-500
Corrupted Leather Boots
Common IV 450-500
Corrupted Cloth Boots
Common IV 450-500
Immemorial Boots
Common IV 450-500
Immemorial Leather Boots
Common IV 450-500
Immemorial Cloth Boots
Common IV 450-500
Primordial Boots
Common IV 450-500
Primordial Leather Boots
Common IV 450-500