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Name Level XP Coins Azoth Standing Points Reward Turn In
Secrets Best Left Unshared 4,310 157.50 100 800
An Expanding Threat 4,220 154.00 100 800
Defiance and Doubt 2,820 44.00 25 400
A Hunger for Freedom 2,820 44.00 25 400
Queen's Gambit 4,270 155.75 100 800
Shivering Timbers 4,310 157.50 100 800
Words of Power 3,590 112.50 50 600
A Plan's Deconstruction 4,310 157.50 100 800
The Queen is Dead (Elite) 4,530 166.25 100 800
Long Live the Queen (Elite) 4,530 166.25 100 800
On Floral Fauna 3,520 110.00 50 600
Pruning and Irrigation 3,520 110.00 50 600
New Growth 4,270 155.75 100 800
Excising the Blighted Root 4,270 155.75 100 800
Burden of Atonement 4,310 157.50 100 800
Upstream Investigation 4,310 157.50 100 800
The Eternal Pool (Elite) 4,530 166.25 100 800
The Dryad Promenade (Elite) 4,530 166.25 100 800
Brushed by Fate 1,000 58.75 500
Seeds of Steel 510 50.00 1,000
A Garden of Iron 610 52.50 1,000
By Any Other Name 800 56.25 1,000
Supply Run 370 46.25 1,000
Fire Up the Forge 250 46.25 1,000
A Town in Need 200 18.50 1,000
Just Dessert 440 53.75 750
Pirates of Spice 1,080 80.50 1,000
The Bear of Scratchrock 1,200 82.25 1,500
Shot Across the Bow 1,080 80.50 1,500
Warp and Weft 1,000 58.75 1,500
Zoology 101 1,000 58.75 1,000
A Wyrd and Wonderful World 1,000 58.75 1,000
This Mortal Sphere 420 47.50 1,000
Creation Myths 40 38.75 1,000
Towering Tools 530 56.25 1,000
Taken to Task 1,080 80.50 1,500
Path to Myrkgard 4,530 166.25 100
Pushing Back 4,310 157.50 100
Our Own Worst Enemy 4,350 159.25 100
The Illurmin Rift 4,440 162.75 100
Guardians' Secrets 4,400 161.00 100
Alligator Steaks 3,660 115.00 50
Malevolent Offerings 3,660 115.00 50
Clarion Offensive 4,400 161.00 100
Knowledge is Power 4,440 162.75 100
Blight Resistance 3,740 117.50 50
Madaki's Stratagem 4,530 166.25 100
To Be Free 4,220 154.00 100 800
Flowers for the Departed 3,520 110.00 50 600
The Corrupted Streak 3,560 111.25 50 600
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