Name Level XP Coins Azoth Standing Points Reward Turn In
Reclaim: Verloren Marsh 28 - 35 1,810 9.15 250
Hunt: The Uppers 28 - 34 1,880 9.00 250
Smite: Navarro's Kitchen 28 - 33 1,880 9.00 250
Infiltrate (PvP) 28 - 65 1,030 7.94 40
Show of Strength (PvP) 28 - 65 780 2.65 15
Gather Intel (PvP) 28 - 65 1,030 7.94 40
Stabilize (PvP) 28 - 65 780 2.65 15
Preserve (PvP) 28 - 65 1,030 7.94 40
Sanctify (PvP) 28 - 65 780 2.65 15
Raid: Blairadam Mill 27 - 33 1,710 8.85 250
Bounty: Sonnesbruck Cathedral 27 - 32 1,710 8.85 250
Purge: Blairadam Mill 27 - 33 1,710 8.85 250
Assassinate: Sonnesbruck Cathedral 27 - 32 1,710 8.85 250
Crusade: Blairadam Mill 27 - 33 1,710 8.85 250
Smite: Sonnesbruck Cathedral 27 - 32 1,710 8.85 250
Raid: Morgenstadt 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Raid: Ballard's Manor 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Raid: Deggendorf 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Raid: Brightrest Cemetery 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Plunder: Sonnesbruck Cathedral 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Plunder: Morgenstadt 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Plunder: Ballard's Manor 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Plunder: Brightrest Cemetery 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Trophy Hunt: Wolfbough 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Bounty: Walsham 26 - 31 1,650 8.69 250
Purge: Morgenstadt 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Purge: Ballard's Manor 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Purge: Deggendorf 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Purge: Brightrest Cemetery 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Procure: Sonnesbruck Cathedral 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Procure: Morgenstadt 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Procure: Ballard's Manor 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Procure: Brightrest Cemetery 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Specimen Hunt: Wolfbough 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Assassinate: Walsham 26 - 31 1,650 8.69 250
Crusade: Morgenstadt 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Crusade: Ballard's Manor 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Crusade: Deggendorf 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Crusade: Brightrest Cemetery 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Reclaim: Sonnesbruck Cathedral 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Reclaim: Morgenstadt 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Reclaim: Ballard's Manor 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Reclaim: Brightrest Cemetery 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Exalted Hunt: Wolfbough 26 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Smite: Walsham 26 - 31 1,650 8.69 250
Raid: Sonnesbruck Cathedral 25 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Raid: Walsham's Field 25 - 31 1,600 8.54 250
Plunder: Deggendorf 25 - 32 1,650 8.69 250
Hunt: Pennine Moors 25 - 31 1,600 8.54 250
Trophy Hunt: Salt Hollow 25 - 30 1,600 8.54 250