Name Level Family
Commander 68 Corrupted
Priest 68 Corrupted
Spriggan 68 Corrupted
Void Destroyer 68 Corrupted
Void Destroyer 68 Corrupted
Phantom Centurion of Crassus 68 Corrupted
Legionnaire of Crassus 68 Corrupted
Legion Prefect of Crassus 68 Corrupted
Legion Sagittarii of Crassus 68 Corrupted
Ice Guardian 68 Ancient
Guardian's Bolt 68 Ancient
Guardian's Root 68 Ancient
Baroness Hain 68 Lost
Runeforge Soldier 68 Ancient
Runeforge Soldier 68 Ancient
Legion Banner of Crassus 68 Corrupted
Coldfang Packleader 68 Beast
Armored Drake 68 Beast
Elafry Chameleon 68 Beast
Elysian Elk 68 Angry Earth
Elysian Wolf 68 Angry Earth
Elafry Wolf 68 Angry Earth
Rose 68 Angry Earth
Jungle Lion 68 Beast
Lion Outcast 68 Beast
Elysian Razor Azalea 68 Angry Earth
Elafry Razor Imperial 68 Angry Earth
Adiana's Chosen Lotus 68 Angry Earth
Unstable Spinospitter 68 Angry Earth
Elafry Spinospitter 68 Angry Earth
Unstable Vulconyte 68 Angry Earth
Elafry Vulconyte 68 Angry Earth
Unstable Rotseed 68 Angry Earth
Elafry Rotseed 68 Angry Earth
Elafry Pyrgo Boar 68 Angry Earth
Sporebound Boar 68 Angry Earth
Warpig Firethorn 68 Angry Earth
Elafry Pyrgo Corvid 68 Angry Earth
Sporebound Corvid 68 Angry Earth
Ner' Mur 68 Angry Earth
Warcrow Akwo'Ak Ak-Ak 68 Angry Earth
Elafry Pyrgo Reindeer 68 Angry Earth
Sporebound Reindeer 68 Angry Earth
Aska' roa 68 Angry Earth
Chompy 68 Beast
Adiana's Chosen Beast 68 Angry Earth
Elafry Pyrgo Archer 68 Angry Earth
Elafry Pyrgo Prowler 68 Angry Earth
Elafry Pyrgo Shaman 68 Angry Earth
Adiana's Chosen Shaman 68 Angry Earth