Name Level Family
Strange Boar 47 Beast
Bobcat 47 Beast
Corrupted Behemoth 47 Corrupted
Corrupted_Tiger 47 Corrupted
Unhallowed Entity 47 Corrupted
Unhallowed Sentry 47 Corrupted
Cow 47 Beast
Corrupted Swordsman 47 Corrupted
Unhallowed Spearman 47 Corrupted
Corrupted Spearman 47 Corrupted
Corrupted Huntsman 47 Corrupted
Corrupted Bowman 47 Corrupted
Corrupted Cultist 47 Corrupted
Corrupted Legionnaire 47 Corrupted
Corrupted Hound 47 Corrupted
Corrupted Pistoleer 47 Corrupted
Corrupted Musketeer 47 Corrupted
Corrupted Axe Thrower 47 Corrupted
Corrupted Butcher 47 Corrupted
Corrupted Hammer Laborer 47 Corrupted
Corrupted Mincer 47 Corrupted
Corrupted Cook 47 Corrupted
Corrupted Lumber Axe Laborer 47 Corrupted
Corrupted Pickaxe Laborer 47 Corrupted
Corrupted Pitchfork Laborer 47 Corrupted
Corrupted Rake Laborer 47 Corrupted
Corrupted Shovel Laborer 47 Corrupted
Corrupted Sickle Laborer 47 Corrupted
Corrupted Skinner 47 Corrupted
The Balebane Maw 47
Seasong Mariner 47 Lost
Seasong Sailor 47 Lost
Disavowed Quartermaster 47 Lost
Drowned First Mate 47 Lost
Dryad Archer 47 Angry Earth
Dryad Prowler 47 Angry Earth
Dryad Elementalist 47 Angry Earth
Dryad Fighter 47 Angry Earth
Unhallowed Soul of Myrkgard 47 Corrupted
Stormglade Doe 47 Beast
Forest Guardian 47 Angry Earth
Stormglade Stag 47 Beast
Tainted Stag 47 Corrupted
Strange Elk 47 Beast
Charred Ghost 47 Lost
Miststride Frostgeist 47 Lost
Plagued Ghost 47 Lost
Shackled Ghost 47 Lost
Stephen 47 Lost
Seasong Electrogeist 47 Lost