Name Level Family
Anubian Guardian Reaver 64 Ancient
Herihor 64 Ancient
Isetemkheb 64 Ancient
Anubian Guardian Spearman 64 Ancient
Guardian of Nourishment 64 Ancient
Barbary Lion 64 Ancient
Black Bear 64 Beast
Fetidfang Ursine 64 Corrupted
Fetidfang Ursine 64 Corrupted
Grizzly Bear 64 Beast
Earth Guardian 64 Angry Earth
Boar 64 Beast
Cow 64 Beast
Corrupted Axeman 64 Corrupted
Redguard Patroller 64 Corrupted
Corrupted Abomination 64 Corrupted
Conscripted Warhound 64 Corrupted
Alecto, Get of Kerberos 64 Corrupted
Magera, Get of Kerberos 64 Corrupted
Tisipho, Get of Kerberos 64 Corrupted
Corrupted Axe Thrower 64 Corrupted
Corrupted Butcher 64 Corrupted
Corrupted Hammer Laborer 64 Corrupted
Corrupted Mincer 64 Corrupted
Corrupted Cook 64 Corrupted
Corrupted Lumber Axe Laborer 64 Corrupted
Corrupted Pickaxe Laborer 64 Corrupted
Corrupted Pitchfork Laborer 64 Corrupted
Corrupted Rake Laborer 64 Corrupted
Corrupted Shovel Laborer 64 Corrupted
Corrupted Sickle Laborer 64 Corrupted
Corrupted Skinner 64 Corrupted
Nape the Mangy 64 Beast
Desert Scorpion 64 Angry Earth
Desert Scorpion 64 Angry Earth
TBD_Brimstone 64 Angry Earth
TBD_Brimstone 64 Angry Earth
Sopdet Sothis 64 Angry Earth
Khensit Sothis 64 Angry Earth
Dryad Veil 64
Drowned Mariner 64 Lost
Drowned Sailor 64 Lost
Dune Phantom Berserker 64 Lost
Plague Huntress 64 Lost
Dune Phantom Dreadnought 64 Lost
Delirvesh the Sand Drinker 64 Lost
Sandseer Sariel 64 Human
Varangian Mage 64 Human
Forge Raider Battlemaster 64 Human
Sir Olga the Hewer 64 Human