
Artifact Void Gauntlet Tier V
Item Gear Score
60 Base Damage 8.0% Critical Hit Chance 1.30 Critical Damage Multiplier 41.0 Block Stamina Damage 41.0 Stagger Damage 22% Block Stability
196 Void Damage

This gauntlet taps into the void, siphoning the essence of foes to empower its wielder with each strike.

Bind On Pickup Tier V Scales With: INT 90%, FOC 65% 3.0 Weight 3000 Durability
Gives 3.00
when salvaged.
Weapon Set
Odo Flail
The Butcher Sword
Finisher Rapier
Spark of Mjölnir War Hammer
The Mechanic Musket
The Abyss Great Axe
Inferno Fire Staff
Vengeance Life Staff
Deep Freeze Ice Gauntlet
Lifetaker Void Gauntlet
Gladiator Round Shield
Michael Kite Shield
The Wall Tower Shield
Pestilence Blunderbuss
Serenity Greatsword
One Time Drop

You can only obtain this item once.

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i wish this was more useful for void blade enjoyers. :(

silvio veliz

if on the transmog how do you actually get it on the inventory


I have a question about mechanics with this one. So it scales with DEX right ... does that take the effect of INT (damage only) or focus (healing mostly) or is it both? If its both it would essentially make DEX better than INT/focus, but I have a feeling it is taking over the role of just INT. Has anyone experimented with this yet?


Lucky. got in 5 or 6 kills

Caner Karakayalı [Edited]

who desinged this item with dex scale and why he thinks this is a good thing i wanna swear to his whole family (dislikes show how correct i am)

[KD]Vesstan /Bastian

welp. my wife got Finisher in her attempt..
and Lifetaker in her first.. lol

Januari Light [Edited]

i've been farming this for over a week!!!!!! is it bugged or something,?? i found a grey vg that has same skin with the lifetaker artifact?! i can farm other artifact far far quicker than this 🤬. Edit: wow i see lifetaker on my transmog, this is some crazy bug

Berlin Cylix

Thanks! I have two available artifacts in my transmog : a glove and a rapier ! And there is nothing in the inventory .

dsa asd

Those , that have been farming but not getting the drop, have you checked transmog? If its unlocked in transmog, then might have been you scammed.


What's the best last perk for it? Only Attunement and Skills seems worth it. I was thinking Refreshing Rupture for sub wep on Healer.

YoungSynthTheGod [Edited]

UPDATE: Response from Amazon Game Studios - "As the ticket was raised regarding the Artifact Drop, we received an update as follows:

It should still drop eventually, if you missed it or dropped it accidentally."

I've farmed this item for going on 30+ hours. Nothing yet. There have been multiple times people killed the gorilla on the island. I opened a ticket with support asking what happens if it drops but we cant claim the item. Will update when they respond.

Justin “Voyvoda”

For anyone else that doesnt know, Disintegrate status: You suffer 5% Void damage per second and your armor is reduced by 10%.

Amazing User [Edited]

Don't really remember how long it took but it didn't take long. Less than 1.5h I'd say. Without scammy luck gear.

jeanONstreamTV Rare

This Artifact drops from Pugnacious Purut. An elite monkey enemie located on the Isle of Zurvan.
The respwan time is around 6 minutes.

To unlock all the missing perks complete Artifact: Lifetaker.

Festering Desire

disintegrate is rend right?


freaking 12 hours of farming and still nothing!!! GRRR!!

Julian Otto

This thing is just not dropping for me. 10 hours+ every day since Friday. And nothing.

azz nok

Is it a bug that it do strike damage even for blade ? Void damage bonus don't stack on it

Xyo Admin

Content level is usually determined by the zone/POI/enemy/etc level. In most cases, you can assume it's monster level.

Amazing User

But what does content level 62+ mean? The msq is only 60


Got it after about 30 minutes of farming. 3x luck bags, no other luck food/items.


you need 625+ GS for it to drop

No more comments ^^

Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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