
Artifact Bow Tier V
Item Gear Score
74 Base Damage 7.0% Critical Hit Chance 1.30 Critical Damage Multiplier 38.0 Block Stamina Damage 38.0 Stagger Damage
2 thrust Damage 239 Lightning Damage

Unleash bolts of precision and power with this bow, turning the tide of battle with each meticulously aimed shot.

Bind On Pickup Tier V Scales With: DEX 100% 6.0 Weight 3000 Durability
Gives 3.00
when salvaged.
Weapon Set
The Mechanic Musket
Pestilence Blunderbuss
One Time Drop

You can only obtain this item once.

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A shame that the lightning strike has no sound…


Any update if Pen rapid shot works on this one?


Seems like this would be terrible against angry earth


Где задания выполнять почему не отображается?


Has anyone tested penetrating rapid shot? I put this one mine but suspect it may not be working, as the below comment a lot of things that don't.


After some testing with this bow. Can confirm that the Strength 25, 50, and 100 attribute bonuses currently do not apply to the bow. The intelligence bonus at 150 for 10% Elemental damage also does not apply to the bow. The 25 & 50 Intelligence attribute bonuses do indeed apply to the Bow. Just wanted to throw my comment into the ring for that one. Rocking a build right now with 493 Dex, 50 Int, 25 Focus, and 100 Con (with food). I do not PvP so I can not attest to how it performs there. In PvE my headshots are around 13-15k on Ancient enemies and around 11k static on anything else in game. Corrupted obviously will take more due to the bow being thrust, but I've not tested that exact scenario.

I put Vorpal on the bow as that one fit my playstyle the best for when I run as dps. I have Pen Rapid Shot on my pants which are the Leather Attuned Pants. That helps a bit with stat balancing the build a bit. I do have 5 Pieces of armor with Lightning Harnessing on them for the +10 Dmg to Lightning, Full Energized Runeglass for another +10% to Lightning, and a ring with +7.1% Lightning Damage. I am definitely enjoying the build a ton and it does quite a bit of damage for headshots. I do see higher numbers on body shots, but no more than 1.5k. Feels fairly well balanced.


@adrien noguier next to new dungeon there are 4 of them spawns right side stairs

adrien noguier

Where do I find the ice wolves for the quests?


Was cried down into uselessnes


nature set better dont use ur money for lightning set


Boltcaster :

5 runeglass = 10% damage

5 harnessing = 10% damage

100 intel = 10% heavy attack damage

150 intel = 15% damage

50 strenght = 10% heavy attack damage

electrified = 20% damage on both weapon

ring = 7% damage

enchanted = 5% damage

AnderX [Edited]

Lol unless you're willing to change your entire armor pieces and ring for more lightning damage, a BiS Syncretic Bow is better than Boltcaster.

They both have Enchanted and Keenly Jagged.

Bolt is a DEAD perk because of what Vitaly Samara explained very well two comments below.

That leaves us with...


Arboreal Attunement Basic attacks AND ABILITIES deal +14% weapon damage as Nature (1.5s cooldown)

Arboreal Gambit Basic attacks AND ABILITIES deal +9% damage while your Stamina is not full. Hits inflict Poison, dealing 8% Nature damage per second for 2s.



+20% lightning damage from basic attacks for both weapons.

Shirking Lightning After dodging an attack, your next hit within 10s deals +45% base weapon damage as Lightning.

A is clearly better than B.


oh... now its only lightning damage from basic attacks? :(

Vitaly Samara [Edited]

It feels like the 'bolt' perk is totally useless. Only works for basic light attacks (heavy attacks seem to be taking too long for the charge to proc, rapid shot also does not count toward this perk).
In PVP it is nearly impossible to hit a single target 4 times in a row within 3s. In PVE the bonus damage isn't worth it as you are much better off doing heavy attacks than hoping for a miserable 80% damage.

jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

This Artifact drops from Annoyed Aguascia. One of the three Gorilla enemie located on the Isle of Zurvān,
which spwans AFTER you killed the Gorilla Pugnacious Purutu (VG Artifact Enemie).
The respwan time is around 6 minutes.

To unlock all the missing perks complete Artifact: Boltcaster.

een [Edited]

People in my server saying that bolt is dropping at Isle, in BW i think


probably on PVP track


Where do I get it after patch?


people thinking this stun is op are kind of bad at reading. its a .5 second stun if theyre at full health.

Marvin Channa

Can someone tell me why the choose to make it Lightning again? Like the Warhammer? I dont understand there are so many elements in the game abd they make 2 lightening weapons that have exactly the same „unique“ ability?


i personally dont understand peoples distaste for this in pve. this is basically like a dexterity mjolnir, and with the amount of gear perks that boosts elemental damage, surely this would be a top dps contender? especially since resistances arent really a thing anymore

take for example finisher, which is popular currently. its +15% damage against bleeding targets, and that works on both weapons. Now boltcaster provides a flat 20% lightning damage bonus, which ALSO works on both weapons.

if using a lightning rapier, with proper stat dist, surely this is way more damage with up to 42% bonus lightning from other perk sources? thats 62% bonus total.

i really hope this gets to shine in pve, this may be a dps monster and we just dont know it yet.

Jé Blondin

Someone know how to obtain this bow ?


stun needs to go 😂

Surveillance [Edited]

+20% Lightning Damage from Boltcaster, +10% Lightning damage from full Lightning Harnessing, another +10% from full Electrifying Runeglass, +15% Elemental Damage from 150 Int, +7% Lightning Damage on Ring.
The maximum achievable damage bonus from this weapon is over 60%.

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Oh and it stuns you with no cooldown.
I hope you're investing in Topaz this patch.

Bmazing User

This range stun weapon is so OP in pvp, especially with it's AOE spells.

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