We can't find any source for this item (quests reward, drop, etc). It's highly probable this item is not obtainable right now. It seems that the New Harbinger of Knightfall is obtainable.
Obtained at 590+ GS from Siren's Dog at Spire of Melpomene
Easy dropp The siren´s brute Gs 590-600. can be uped
Droped by Siren's Brute and Dog, Epic but can be uped to legendary
they changed the design?????????????/////+]"
confirmed drop on siren's brute. epic version
Dropped by The Siren's Brute
Anyone know where this can be target farmed or is it a random chance on every boss
Its epic and has the Angry Earth Ward removed
In 2 days each day 6 hours farming Full Luck (minor tophy luck) & Full group i got :
Harbinger of Darkness
Harbinger of Life
Harbinger of Knightfall
Harbinger of Energy
Harbinger of Desolation
Harbinger of Evil
From siren brute and The Siren's Fury
All 590+ (my expertise 625)