Harbinger of Dusk

Legendary Heavy Chestwear Tier V
Check the New Harbinger of Dusk
Item Gear Score
Selected Gear Score
100 225 350 475 600 725
528.4 Armor Rating - Elemental 792.6 Armor Rating - Physical

"You never want to see the Harbinger of Death coming, as it's often the last thing you see."

Bind On Pickup Tier V 11.0 Weight 750 Durability
Gives 3.00
and 6
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
Deprecated Variant
No Source

We can't find any source for this item (quests reward, drop, etc). It's highly probable this item is not obtainable right now. It seems that the New Harbinger of Dusk is obtainable.

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If you're commenting about the item not dropping, please check the New Harbinger of Dusk first.
Bot Lobby

farmed for 5 days 12 hours a day, killed easily over 20k snipers and got dozens of each piece. Killed over 1000 of each supply guard with mixed results as to which piece I got. However, the heavy chest piece ONLY drops from one specific supply guard big man, and its the one in the cove. Maybe it will be fixed after the updates.

G M [Edited]

@mini Sam, the Harbinger drops are being updated to named and drop 590+ when season 2 launches. Up to you if you want to keep farming or wait for the update. Edit: The old skin for the heavy set is going to replaced since it is a copy of the INT set, so if you want the old and new skin probably worth farming until the update.

Mini Sam

Went a week trying to farm this for 3-5h and was starting to lose hope until i got the drop! but it wasn't Harbinger of Dusk, it was the Harbinger of Time at 595... the pain, agony and sorrow I'm feeling rn is astronomical, will update you guys in another weeks time if i get the Harbinger of Dusk :DDD

Dargaard [Edited]

50 hours farming and didnt drop it.......

SerSerch [Edited]

++ dropped from Scorchvein Sniper 63lvl. no luck


If you get a drop from a Sniper, you have the same odds of hitting one of the Harbinger pieces as you do from a Supply Guard. That being said, the odds of getting a drop from a Sniper is only 20%, while it's 100% from the Supply Guards. So if you only kill snipers, you'll probably have a better chance of getting it faster if you are farming solo, since it takes a lot longer to kill a Supply Guard than it does 5 snipers.

The actual odds of getting the CreatureEliteGear bucket, which contains the bucket that contains the Harbinger items, is 10.5%. Then 47.5% chance to get EliteArmor, which is where you will actually find the Harbinger items. So about 1/20 loot drops should see something from that table, on average. But this means that it won't be uncommon to go for a really long time without getting one. And since there are 7 items in the EliteArmor bucket, this is a farm that can take you a really long time to hit the one specific item that you want.


i've tried for HOURS and DAYS i could put easily 40h. still no drop of the chests or gloves.

Rw1031 [Edited]

I've been farming for this for almost 3 weeks averaging 2-4 hrs a day. In that time, I've gotten 4-5 of each glove, 4 light chests, 5 medium chests, and 4 diamond heart amulets, but for the life of me I can't get a single heavy chest. They need to fix the farm here - No other farm in the game is anywhere close to this tedious. I'll go hours without a single drop, killing 1000's of mobs and when I finally do get one, it's a duplicate.

I've tried full luck, no luck, middle luck, nothing works.
BTW, luck in this game is BS.

G M [Edited]

dropped from sniper at 594, second kill

edit: For the farming at mines, I stopped using luck armor and trophies only stuck with bags and a turkey leg. I ended up getting a lot more Harbinger drops when I did that, even though a lot of them were dupes. Ended up getting all pieces of Harbinger gear from mines within 25ish hours farming total for both the CON and DEX set in the same week.

If farming solo, just kill the snipers, I got most of my drops from them, except for the CON gloves, which came from supply guards.


Full luck and farming for 30+ hours and nothing drops It's Just bad luck very bad luck


dropped from Scorchvein Sniper at GS 593

Yeet [Edited]

No drop 2 days non stop 9hrs a day.. 625 Luck armor and jewelries with 3 pcs 600GS Bag luck and 3 major loot luck. Sad

Edit: It dropped after 41 minutes I commented here lmao


Got one today after a couple hours. Got two mediums and two light chests, two light gloves, one medium glove.


5-6 hours farming and finally drop this item.


Might be lucky, but I got the whole set in about 8 hours.

CapDeBolet [Edited]

Came to this area to grind for any Harbinger piece and the Diamond Heart by killing Scorchvein Supply Guard and Scorchvein Sniper, @ the Ambusti Inferior zone, the results so far:

First day, 8-hour grind with a full party:

Really frustrating session, I tried to keep track of everything that was dropping, but after seeing that I was not getting anything while my team was rolling on it, I was starting to get tilted and tried removing / adding trophies, luck gear and a restart here and there. Anyways, these are the drops the party got for the first day:

2 x Diamond Heart

1 x Harbinger of Time

1 x Harbinger of Death

5 x Harbinger of Destruction

1 x Harbinger of Spirit

3 x Harbinger of Dusk

1 x Harbinger of Time

3 x Shallow Grave

1 x Dark Widow

Second day

2 hours solo grind:

1 x Diamond Heart

1 x Harbinger of Destruction

4 hours full party grind:

4 x Diamond Heart

1 x Harbinger of Dusk

1 x Harbinger of Spirit

2 x Harbinger of Defeat

2 x Harbinger of Destruction

2 x Harbinger of Death

2 x Shallow Grave

My findings:

They do drop 590 named

They drop from both the guards and snipers

The drop rate was circa one every 25 ~ 40 minutes

I hate the luck system

I will keep the grind during this week and update the post with my findings, in hope that the next person does not get discouraged about this grind, that so far, seems to be the slowest, most unrewarding one that I have seen in this game, even though for the rest of people seem to be working just fine.

Timothy Cross

Hours and hours and couldn't get anything to drop. Gave up


yeah i drop named gloves(light) 1hours, so boring and i need 🤬ing HEAVY gloves


Mabahel were you wearing luck gear? I think recently 60+ zones are dropping 590 named items now so this might actually be worth farming it thats true. But luck seems to be actually bugged and people are saying they are getting better drops with less luck. My friend got 3 bonechoppers in 2h with zero luck O.o


You need to have 600 expertise to get it in the range 590-600, just do a circle in the zone and kill all the snipers you see and you'll get it, good luck guys!

Only your expertise matters here, don't listen to the comments that tells you that you can't get them by killing Lv 63 mobs :)

(Got both the armor and the gauntlet in more or less 2 hours)



bro dont even bother with this drop, extremely frustrating to farm - full luck gear won't do you much - my only drop in about 15+ hours of farming it is 527 GS lol..


Can we drop it in all of mines now ? I noticed the mobs list who can drop it changed


Only drops from lv63 Snipers and Supply Guards in Ambusti INFERIOR. This zone is lv63 only. Have this along with all the other harbinger pieces at 590+.

Bmazing User [Edited]

Got this drop at 590+GS, the trick is you need to farm the monsters that are lv64 or higher, which means you may ignore the sword guys and muskets that are lv63 or lower at shattered mountain, then all the drops you receive will be 590GS or higher.

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Name Rarity Tier Requirements
Epic V
Tier V
500+ GS
Legendary V
Tier V
675+ GS
Epic V
Tier V
500+ GS
Legendary V
Tier V
675+ GS
Epic V
Tier V
500+ GS
Legendary V
Tier V
675+ GS
Epic V
Tier V
500+ GS
Legendary V
Tier V
675+ GS
Epic V
Tier V
500+ GS
Legendary V
Tier V
675+ GS

Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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