Name Title
Aelstrom Fallen King
Aelstrom Fallen King
Aelstrom Fallen King
Aelstrom Fallen King
Aelstrom Fallen King
Aelstrom Fallen King
Aelstrom Fallen King
Aelstrom Fallen King
Urda Ageless Merchant
Urda Ageless Merchant
Eoin Dornoll Druid
Eoin Dornoll Druid
Barkimedes Eternal Hound
Barkimedes Eternal Hound
Barkimedes Eternal Hound
Barkimedes Eternal Hound
Stillwater Rose Traveling Bard
Mara Rosa Excommunicated Nun
Guo the Liberator Liberator of Masses
Guo the Liberator Liberator of Masses
Morgaine Sorceress
Morgaine Sorceress
Glendyn Trahern Archdruid
Patricia Reid Logistics Master
First Mate Grimm Retired Freebooter
James Oxen Last Light Forward-Captain
Glendyn Trahern Archdruid
Wally Widdershins Disgruntled Pirate
Rowan Pennbrook Elemental Hunter
Quiggley Quorus Treasure Seeker
Fei Lixin Arcane Artificer
Decima Opimius Award-Winning Chef
Arnold Trost Cutlass Keys Sailing Master
Shillie Duffy Cutlass Keys Quartermaster
Rosina Bryce Cutlass Keys Coxswain
Antonia Lucian Cutlass Keys Captain
Ania Jasinski Marauder Ravager
Edwarde Geoff Syndicate Alchemist
Robert Strong Covenant Adjudicator
Plute Swampy Cutlass Keys Cook
Reginald Buss Innkeeper of the Buss's Blunder
Nekumanesh Swamp Walker
Wistful Billiam Rowen Cutlass Keys Astronomer
Horace Bronn Spymaster
Edwin Kasper (missing map location) Collector
Tosch The Tamer
Claire Fergus Novice Treasure Hunter
Collecting Station Fei's Collecting Station
Collecting Station Tosch's Collecting Station
Collecting Station Tosch's Collecting Station