
Artifact Fire Staff Tier V
Item Gear Score
62 Base Damage 10.0% Critical Hit Chance 1.25 Critical Damage Multiplier 34.0 Block Stamina Damage 34.0 Stagger Damage 17% Block Stability
203 fire Damage

Chosen weapon of the pyromancers of old.

Bind On Pickup Tier V Scales With: INT 100% 7.0 Weight 3000 Durability
Gives 3.00
when salvaged.
Weapon Set
Power Stone Flail
Trsna War Hammer
Venom Spear
Aconite Bow
Shrapnel Musket
Tempest Fury Great Axe
Burnanator Fire Staff
Heceta Life Staff
Otzi Ice Gauntlet
Fracture Void Gauntlet
Sin Hatchet
Grace Greatsword
One Time Drop

You can only obtain this item once.

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protagoras Rare

Gigi actually Wrong, the nerf is in the final damage, not "base damage", therefore, u dot will still hit 300 when the base is 3000.


i agree it was overtuned, but now with the nerf is just worst than any regular firestaff and ill bring the numbers here:
lets say i hit 3000 with a normal firestaff, with the -33% from burnanator ill hit 2000 + 10% dot, so 200. 5 seconds of dot so a total of 1000 from dots.
Basically, if you use burnanator you lose your burst to make the SAME DAMAGE overall but overtime, plus you only stack 5 burns so if i hit 6 times before first stack ends, i will be doing even less damage than a normal firestaff.
Good job AGS, weapon was bugged because dots were reseting and instead of solving the bug you decided to solve the bug and nerf it to the ground, now its not even a good PVE weapon.

protagoras Rare

cry babies mill this arti

random random

Over power

Fraudt Ztlas

called the burnanator because people that use it are typically holding a baconator in one hand while using flamethrower with the other

mbyrx [Edited]

on paper: seems like complete garbage

in pvp: oh boy this needs a slight change (hopefully a nerf).

maybehaps keep the -dmg but make it so that only heavy attacks adds 15% burn with the stacks etc.

Could also remove jagged and not allow DI as a extra perk.

Myles Teslak

This needs a swift disabling


Op weapon. Nerf pls

Berserker [Edited]

Can be easily soloable.


Seems too strong likely be nerfed in the future.

protagoras Rare

Distained Infliction + FT

cheuk lun chow

So upgrade with Distained Infliction?


Defeat Helianthus at Dance of the Fireflies
Defeat Ifrit in the Empyrean Forge
Defeat Hadish Azar, Keeper of Flame in the Hatchery Elite Trial
Upgrade at Gypsum Kiln


I expected more damage per second for longer without having to renew all the time (because if you miss some heavy attacks or skills the damage per second ends up quickly because it's only 5 seconds) and less damage from the skills, but it seems like a good artifact. But I still think a new weapon specific to damage per second or the ranged abilities of the void gauntlet (snorted by a new ultimate) would be more interesting.


dropped in 1 kill

No more comments ^^

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Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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