Yonas appears to have left you at the ruins, but luckily Grace O'Malley saw him pass by toward the town of Oxboro. Ask around to see if anyone has seen where he went off to.
She will send you into the Inn - Don't forget to check in! - to talk to Atticus Delphi.
If you would like to have instruments and/or want to play some music, do his side quest The Magnum Opus.
He will send you again to an other NPC: Franc Dubois.
If you are interested in the factions you can do his side quest The Three Way War. I highly recommand joining a faction, since it unlocks upgrade materials for the endgame you can only purchase from your faction vendor!! You can switch your faction every 30 days and it only matters for open world pvp and wars. There are no limits to PvE-Players, PvP-Arena and PvP-Battleground players. No faction is better than the other ones, its only the lore and the colour.
The captain of the guard will finaly send you to Yonas Alazar.
Grace O'Malley sends you into Oxboro/Everfall.
Talk to the Guardsman Hannos Lembe at the gate.
He will send you to Saira Yangandul.
While you are in the city, turn in the side quest No Good Deed at Odnell Lee.
Pick up his side quest Fine Furs For Fine Folk.
She will send you into the Inn - Don't forget to check in! - to talk to Atticus Delphi.
If you would like to have instruments and/or want to play some music, do his side quest The Magnum Opus.
He will send you again to an other NPC: Franc Dubois.
If you are interested in the factions you can do his side quest The Three Way War.
I highly recommand joining a faction, since it unlocks upgrade materials for the endgame you can only purchase from your faction vendor!!
You can switch your faction every 30 days and it only matters for open world pvp and wars. There are no limits to PvE-Players, PvP-Arena and PvP-Battleground players. No faction is better than the other ones, its only the lore and the colour.
The captain of the guard will finaly send you to Yonas Alazar.
On your way towards Yonas Alazar complete the side quest Fine Furs For Fine Folk.
Get 3 quality furs from Midnight Wolfes at the Midnight Den.
While you are in the area, get the fast travel Dustmeadow Shrine.
In this area is also the F ickle Fusions, Fanged Folly event. Wolfes spwande by this event wont drop the quest items.
Now its time to make our way towards Yonas Alazar.
Make sure to get the fast travel Hermit Shrine.