Gorgons' Legacy

Page #2
I am an inheritor!

I understand now what called me to this place. Here, in these canyons and caverns, sleep relics of a forgotten age. Creatures ancient and powerful, beneath whose wrath whole civilizations crumbled. They were once known as Halcyon and Echidna, mother and father to the Gorgons, in whose image I was formed. Whatever vestige of their legacy lives on in my blood has summoned me here. I can feel them, slumbering deep within in the dark. As though every heartbeat, every rise and fall of their breast, were my own. What terrible magic would it take to awaken them? And would they embrace me, a simulacrum of their lost progeny, or denounce me as pretender? And so, now I ponder my destiny, here among my long-lost lineage. The grand design is not finished with me, that much is clear. I must consider the meaning of this new revelation, and the implication it has for my struggle to restore the balance.