The Search Continues

Page #2
I must find the source!

Here, beneath the furnace of the great Forge, the bitter cold chills me to the bone. Whoever built this took great pains to provide for the cooling of metalworks above. Unless I can find a way to release the hold it has on furnace above, the Forge shall remain dormant. Some strange magic holds the cavern in a preternatural stasis, frozen to the core of its spirit. But the spirit remains! I must find a way to learn its secrets! Whatever the risks, the power of this place is undeniable, and may become necessary in battles to come. I remain convinced that the forces that consumed the Ancient civilization that once ruled this island are still lurking somewhere, out there beyond the veil. And since escape from Aeternum remains impossible, we shall be forced to fight, not just for our survival, but for the fate of our very souls. If we are to have any chance of resisting annihilation, mastering the weapons of our forerunners will be required. My sister believes I am a fool. That I am meddling with powers beyond human comprehension. And yet, I see no other hope of defeating a malevolent force so formidable, it rendered a civilization far grander and older than our own a ruin, lost to time on a distant rock. I must press on! For the sake of all whom we have led to these mysterious shores. I will not fail!