Crassus's Letter

Page #1
The Invasion of Aeternum

Prefect Drusilla, The First Cohort continues its assault on the cursed temple. We have broken through the first wave of guardians. Although we fight like lions, the defenses of this temple are like nightmares from Tartarus. Curse the Ancients and their devices! Within a fortnight, all of the secrets contained in the Ennead will be mine. With this power, we will bring the glory of Rome to all of Aeternum. Neither Charmion's threats nor the efforts of these traitorous New Corsicans will stop me. While I secure the temple's secrets, you will prepare the remainder of the 19th Legion's forces to embrace their destiny. Stand them at the ready and be prepared to lay siege to the rest of this island. We will lash out with the power of these supposed gods and drive the spear of a new Roman Republic into the heart of Aeternum. Steel yourself, gather your Tribunes, and put them to task. The birth of a new world awaits us. Legatus Legionis Lucius Decimus Crassus