Malatesta's Letter

Page #1
A confession

My dearest Andrea, It is with a heavy heart that I pen these final words. I had hoped to never have the need for such a confession. But my demons proved far stronger than either of us could've imagined. The others reluctantly participated in this scheme. I was the one who led them down this dishonorable path and swore them to secrecy. Your anger and blame belong with me alone. But here is the truth: We who had been entrusted with the safety of these evacuating citizens have been robbing them of their goods to enrich ourselves. Our actions will bring disgrace to the Praetorians and to our families. But worst of all, they will hurt you, dear Andrea. And for that, I will be eternally sorry. I do not ask pardon for myself but rather for my comrades only. Their mistake was placing their trust in a scoundrel such as myself. And in the end, it cost them their lives. As for me, my fate is exactly as I deserve. I shall endeavor to take as many of these Corrupted legionaries with me as I can. A small atonement for my many sins perhaps. My only wish is that the pain I have caused you fades as quickly as my memory. Yours devotedly, Emiliano Malatesta