A Debate on Ethical Warfare, Part One

Page #1
From Ignatius's journal

For the previous fortnight, the smell of Hydra's Breath reeked from the ashes of the dead. Smoke still rose from their oil soaked remains as nightfall approached. Admiring my creation's handiwork, I entertained the protests of a few New Corsican prisoners. These plebs spoke of "ethical warfare” and purported that the Hydra's Breath I was preparing and rationing into casks was cruel and unethical both in theory and in practice. They claimed what I was creating was lacking any virtue that the gods find admirable. I laughed heartily at their non-sensical bleating and reminded these Socratic imbeciles that there were only two truths in regards to the "ethics of war." First, those with power who fail to use it are fools. Second, those who fall prey to such power are deserving victims, whose complaints are whispered from charred, dying lips.