The Secrets of the Saddle

Page #3
A new record to keep.

The Beast Lords’ returns as brought new life into my studies. There are new secrets to collate, and new records to keep. The animals are our partners again, it’s true, but the conventional wisdom of the mainland has hardly borne fruit. The wild things here are more fickle, more strange, and more wonderous than any of European stock. And the knowledge of their mastery must be preserved for castaways to come. Still, with no knowledge from our forefathers to light the way, I must admit, I have trouble telling a true master rider from a silver-tongue charlatan. Perhaps I can arrange a race to help separate the proverbial wheat from the chaff. Yes! That’s the rub. I shall design a challenge befitting a true master of the saddle. That way I can ensure that only the wisdom of the most worthy is chronicled for those who come after. In this way, I can spare new aspirants the indignity of sifting through misinformation set down by egotistical amateurs. -Satiah Ramotep