Deprecated: Bug This! Aurora Aeternae

Page #3

Travelers – know that the former outpost of Wind's Pointe is no more, it has taken on a new name from the aurora that now shines over us. Our doors are open to ALL pilgrims who seek the light that shines within the great ring of stones. In the aurora's light, cast aside fear, hold fast to faith. The Aurora Aeternae is fury, frozen - wrath, suspended – and it shields us all, for it is heaven's herald. Yet like heaven's mysteries, let the light of the Aurora Aeternae ever remind us that not all secrets of Aeternum are for us to uncover, else one day the sun within the stone shall blossom with its full light and consume us all. To seek and never be content is Grenville's folly, the ‘scholar' who caused the blue flames of the road to be lit, the cursed dead of the eastern ruins to rise, and awoke this second sun in these lands – what knowledge did he gain when consumed by the aurora's light?