Crime and Open World PvP

Page #11

Aeternum is a dangerous place, and many take to banditry and murder. Any player may attack another player at any time, with two exceptions: • You cannot hurt a player in your <a action="GoToPage" data="GettingStarted_Social">Group or Company</a> • You cannot hurt a non-criminal in a <a action="GoToPage" data="GettingStarted_Sanctuaries">Sanctuary</a>, which includes most <a action="GoToPage" data="GettingStarted_Outposts">Outposts</a> To prevent you from committing crimes accidentally, you must enable Criminal Intent in order to damage players or player-made structures, including <a action="GoToPage" data="Mechanics_Camping">Camps</a>. Players who have enabled their Criminal Intent but have not actually committed a crime have their names appear in yellow. A player who has committed a crime will have their name shown in red</font>. Crime comes with punishment. The magic of Aeternum is less forgiving, and offers little respite for criminals. When a player commits a crime, they receive a Criminal Timer. This is increased with subsequent crimes up to a maximum value. When a player has time remaining on their Criminal Timer, they: • Can be attacked by other players. Those other players will not receive criminal penalties for attacking the criminal. • Can be attacked in Sanctuaries. This means even Outposts are not safe for criminals. • Drop their Equipment in addition to their Inventory when they die. They will respawn with nothing, and others can pick up the weapons and armor they've dropped. Players can commit 4 different crimes. The worst crime they still have a timer for is listed in their nameplate. These crimes are: • Vandalism: damaging a player-made structure • Pillaging: destroying a player-made structure • Assault: damaging another player • Murder: killing another player Remember, any crimes committed in a <a action="GoToPage" data="GettingStarted_Sanctuaries">Lawless Area</a> do not add to your Criminal Timer, and do not carry the usual penalties. If you're looking for ad-hoc player vs. player combat, Lawless Areas offer a way to find that without the same level of punishment as elsewhere in Aeternum. Crime comes with a lot of risk. Be careful if you choose that path, and be aware of the costs.