Company Treasury

Page #3
Shared Coffers for a Company

Many aspects of managing a Company require funding. To that end, Companies have Treasuries. These act as a shared location for storing the Company's funds. Any member of a Company may deposit Coin into the Company Treasury. To do this, use either the Treasury tab in the <a action="GoToPage" data="Mechanics_UI">Company screen</a> or the Give Coin button in your <a action="GoToPage" data="Mechanics_Inventory">Inventory</a>. Only a Company's <a action="GoToPage" data="Companies_Ranks">Governor</a> and <a action="GoToPage" data="Companies_Ranks">Consuls</a> can withdraw from the Treasury. The Governor can withdraw any amount at any time. They can also set a limit for how much Coin that the Consuls can withdraw in one day. Consuls may only withdraw Coin up to this limit. The Governor could also choose to remove this limit altogether. The Treasury is a great way to collect the required Coin for <a action="GoToPage" data="Companies_Territories">Territory protection</a>, new <a action="GoToPage" data="Companies_Territories">Claim Charters</a>, and declaring <a action="GoToPage" data="Companies_War">War</a>.