The Renewal Has Begun!

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Praise be to the gods and my mistress

The earth has heard our call, and offered up a solution to the plague of humanity upon our land. Today I brought one of the captives before my mistress, and invoked the power of the gods. I watched as the wretch was granted absolution, her human form purged away by the embrace of the land. She rejected her gift at first, raging against the transformation of her profane flesh. But in the end, her defiance proved futile. No one of mortal stock can withstand the will of the gods. What remained was pure. A merging of the guile of mankind with the majesty of nature. These hercyne shall be our heralds to the remaining human bastions on Aeternum, harbingers of nature’s great displeasure. They shall carry the wrath of Artemis to all the corners of this land, purging the stain of humanity and sowing the seeds of cleansing and renewal. And when it is finished, all will be as our Mother Earth intended – free from the insatiable desires of humanity. Balanced. Unspoiled. Perfect.