The Secret

Page #5
I have learned something terrifying...

The Empress arrived today to survey the final construction. But she did not bring her usual retinue. She was accompanied only by her handmaiden and a slight, hooded figure. There was an oppressive darkness about him, and although he never set foot in the lamplight, I knew immediately that something sinister lurked beneath the cowl. My mistress led him to the threshold with the tenderness of a child, watching intently as he hurried into the darkness within. Then her face darkened. She approached me, reminding me sternly of my vow. I reaffirmed my commitment to keeping her secret and she softened once more, thanking me for my service and leading me away from that place. I do not know what I have just witnessed, nor what price she would have exacted for any sign of infidelity. But I am afraid. Afraid for my people, for my Empress, and for myself. For responsibility for whatever secret lies within those walls now also lies squarely on my shoulders. I can only pray that I have done my duty well. -Long