Monster Slayer's Stew

Common Consumable Tier V

Increase damage and absorption against non-player enemies by 15%. Your health slowly recovers while under these effects.

Removes Effects Categories: Recovery FoodInitialRecovery
Grants Effects
Monster Slayer's Stew Increase damage and absorption against non-player enemies by 15%. Your health slowly recovers while under these effects. Effect ID: OutpostRush_FoodPvE Duration: 10m Categories: NonDispellableEmpower Fortify Recovery Max Stack: Doesn't stack 1 Modifiers
  • Restores 1% health every 2.5s
  • Grants 15% bonus damage when fighting OutpostRush enemies
  • Increases damage absorption from OutpostRush enemies by 15%
Tier V Max Stack: 100 Requirement: Level 45
Bought from Outpost Rush Quantity: 5 Price:
Azoth Essence
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