
Legendary • Named Greatsword Tier V
Item Gear Score
Selected Gear Score
100 225 350 475 600 725
75 Base Damage 7.0% Critical Hit Chance 1.25 Critical Damage Multiplier 60.0 Block Stamina Damage 60.0 Stagger Damage 34% Block Stability
221 slash Damage

"A thundering came down from the mountain, the heavy footfalls of the stampeding horde."

Bind On Pickup Named Item Tier V Scales With: STR 81%, DEX 80% 8.5 Weight 3000 Durability
Can be crafted Can be crafted
Gives 3.00
and 12
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
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Amadu Kane [Edited]

actually can be a bis GS for bruiser. we have commin CDR meta. Steadfeast strike gona reduce cd. plus oll bis has cdr. Even our useless passive -10 cdr per heavy. nulify will fall down from 19 sec cd to nearly to 7-9. nulify will do same job like purify crits but with stagger. i feel like light load will be feet this gs. thinking abt sns gs
as well the thwar strikes will hurt mid bruisers while grit. ref move just asks all gs users to use heavys

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