We can't find any source for this item (quests reward, drop, etc). It's highly probable this item is not obtainable right now.
Almost every part of the quest chain to get this is soloable except for one. The part where you are sent to Shattered Mountain to kill 50 level 63+ Gold Elite mobs in Scarred Mine. This place is full of aggro and corruption and will need at least 2 people, preferably more.
First the quest will send you to kill elite mobs in Brightwood, Restless Shore, Morningdale and Great Cleave. These are all fairly easy to solo with the exception of the Morningdale boss room which will take some effort. Also be aware that to go into the temple in Restless Shore you will need to be able to cut down Wyrdwood Trees which block the side entrence.
At that point you will have to kill the elites in Shattered Mountain, which is the hardest part. After, kill mobs in Great Cleave (level 50 elites), then kill mobs in Weaver's Den (lvl 40 elites) and FINALLY kill mobs in Cutlass (lvl 40 elites)
Finally, CONGRATS! You have an Azure Ravager.
Since the update almost undoable, or at least not as worth the time as it was.